Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers. Anything we missed? Feel free to ask.

  • Nashville? Boston? Sydney? The options are endless, really.

    We charge mileage for driving anywhere outside of the Temecula Valley.

    Anything outside of Southern California would incur charges for flights and hotel accommodations.

  • Yes! If you live in the Temecula Valley, we offer a free, 30-minute, in-person consultation.

    If you live outside the Temecula Valley, we can assess your space over FaceTime.

    During the 30 minutes we find out your style, where you’d like the most help first, and when you’d like to start.

  • Depends on the space. For a typical pantry, once we know how you feel about expired food and a couple other details, we’re good to go and you can come and go as you please.

    For a closet, once you decide what stays and what goes, we can organize and beautify your space.

    If we’re going through photos and paperwork, those are decisions you’ll need to help with.

    Either way, once we get to the “organizing it and making it look pretty” part, you’re free to move about the cabin.

  • Absolutely. We always offer our clients the option to choose, but so far 100% of them have asked us to do the shopping.

    After we measure your space and find out your style (traditional, modern, boho, farmhouse, coastal, rustic, french country, minimalist, mid-century modern, etc.) we shop locally.

    We are bargain shoppers, so rest assured our goal is to always find the best functional and beautiful look for the best price.

  • Every home is different, but we have a 4-hour minimum.

    A small pantry might only take 4 hours, while a medium closet might take 6 and a garage might take 8-10.

    We’ve worked 10-hour days before, but it depends where you live. For large jobs, breaking it into 2 days is usually better.

  • Before-and-after pictures are the best, but we always go above and beyond to protect our clients’ privacy.

    Our photos and video never include homeowners, pets or kids. We also never advertise the neighborhood we’re in, your street name, or your address.

    All photos and video are taken fairly close up so there’s never any way to identify whose home we’re in.

  • Sending your pets off to a kennel is not necessary, but because of allergies and such, we do prefer to only work with humans.

    Unless of course you have a pet chimp. Then we would definitely like to work with him or her.

  • At this time we do not offer donation or trash removal.

    We are big fans of donating good working items in good condition to worthy causes though.

    Our favorites are reputable local shops, and The Salvation Army.

    We are not fans of donating anything with missing pieces, damaged, broken, or so worn you can see through it. #donatewithdignity

  • Crawl spaces.

    And rat-infested spaces.

    Other than that, we can do it all.

  • Yes—garages. They require a huge amount of physical labor and are usually quite dirty. Plus, one of us can barely look at spiders without calling backup.

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